Ilija Rasovic

DPhil Student


Ilija graduated with an MEng degree in Materials Science from Corpus Christi College, Oxford in 2014, completing his final year research project on fullerene-containing molecular machines under the supervision of Prof. Kyriakos Porfyrakis and in collaboration with the group of Prof. Paul Beer in the Chemistry Department. After a three-month jaunt around Italy and the Balkans, he returned to Prof. Porfyrakis' group and is now undertaking a DPhil as a member of St. Cross College, investigating water-soluble fullerene derivatives for medical applications and the incorporation of fullerenes into rotaxane-based molecular machines.

Research Topics

Water-soluble fullerenes for medical applications.
Molecular machines incorporating fullerene derivatives.
Supramolecular fullerene chemistry.


"Functionalisation of Fullerenes for Biomedical Applications", I. Rasovic and K. Porfyrakis in "Comprehensive Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2nd Edition)", Ed. by D. Andrews, T. Nann and R. Lipson, Academic Press, 2019, ISBN: 9780128122952. Invited chapter contribution.

"Anion-Mediated Photophysical Behavior in a C60 Fullerene [3]Rotaxane Shuttle", T. A. Barendt, I. Rasovic, M. A. Lebedeva, G. A. Farrow, A. Auty, D. Chekulaev, I. V. Sazanovich, J. A. Weinstein, K. Porfyrakis and P. D. Beer, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140 (5), 1924-1936.

"Long Stokes shifts and vibronic couplings in perfluorinated polyanilines", P. Dallas, I. Rasovic, T. Puchtler, R. A. Taylor and K. Porfyrakis, Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 2602-2605.

"Water-soluble fullerenes for medical applications", I. Rasovic, Mater. Sci. Tech., 2017, 33 (7), 777-794. Winner of national IoM3 Literature Review Prize.

"Achieving 6.7% Efficiency in P3HT/Indene-C70 Bisadduct Solar Cells through the Control of Vertical Volume Fraction Distribution and Optimized Regio-Isomer Ratios", D. I. Kutsarov, I. Rasovic, A. Zachariadis, A. Laskarakis, M. A. Lebedeva, K. Porfyrakis, C. A. Mills, M. J. Beliatis, B. Fisher, K. Bruchlos, S. Ludwigs, S. Logothetidis and S. R. P. Silva, Adv. Electron. Mater., 2016, 1600362.

"Mapping and Tuning the Fluorescence of Perfluorinated Polyanilines Synthesized through Liquid-Liquid Interfaces", P. Dallas, I. Rasovic and K. Porfyrakis, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2016, 120 (13), 3441-3454.

"Endohedral Metallofullerenes: Optical Properties and Biomedical Applications", P. Dallas, I. Rasovic, G. Rogers and K. Porfyrakis in "Carbon Nanomaterials Sourcebook Vol. 1", Ed. by K. Sattler, Taylor & Francis, 2016, ISBN-13: 978-1482252682.

"Synthesis of the first completely spin-compatible N@C60 cyclopropane derivatives by carefully tuning the DBU base catalyst", S. Zhou, I. Rasovic, G. A. D Briggs and K. Porfyrakis, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51 (33), 7096-7099. Selected for front cover of journal.

Outside the Lab

A big fan of sport and music, Ilija plays football regularly and plays keys in a number of different bands. He is also a dedicated STEM Ambassador, regularly giving outreach talks about Materials Science.


Department of Materials
University of Oxford
16 Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3PH
United Kingdom