Welcome to the Oxford Carbon Nanomaterials Group!

We are a team of researchers hailing from diverse academic backgrounds whose work, under the group leadership of Professor Kyriakos Porfyrakis, focuses on synthesising and characterising exciting carbon nanomaterials, particularly fullerenes and their derivatives, for use in a wide range of novel technologies.
We conduct fundamental and applied research in a stimulating environment and extend the scope of our work with an extensive network of local and international collaborators.
Our cutting-edge research on endohedral fullerene production has been spun-out by Professor Porfyrakis, giving rise to the company, Designer Carbon Materials.
Please have a browse around our pages!
- Discover our exciting research
- View the equipment and facilities we use
- Read our latest publications
- See with whom we collaborate
- Keep an eye out for available projects and positions
- Feel free to get in touch